At Siggraph, Teradici unveiled a software product it has developed that will enable people using tablets, mobiles, and light PCs to access remote data and display it wherever they are. The PCoIP at the source compresses, encrypts, and transports image pixels to the end devices, where they are decrypted and displayed. We know no one is manipulating the pixels, and that’s super important to us.” Pixar’s VP of Systems, John Kirkman says that Pixar has chosen Teradici for remote computing because Teradici’s approach “is basically lossless.” He says, “They’re taking the actual image and compressing it we trust that more. Their PCoIP (PC over IP) is being used by the major hardware vendors including Dell and Lenovo, and at Siggraph 2014 we were told by the studio CTOs and IT chiefs that Teradici has enabled them to take advantage of virtualization. Siggraph was an important show for Teradici.

Film studios and computer vendors want to extend their remote computing.