Today I will share the first of three scrapbook pages that I submitted to the Artisan Award competition. Up to this point, everything that I submitted was created in a traditional manner. I love working in My Digital Studio, so I decided to take a chance and create either digital or digital hybrid layouts.

The rules for using MDS were undefined, so I called demonstrator support to make sure that I could use it. I even checked to see if I could print my pages myself or if I had to have them professionally printed through the SU website. After receiving the thumbs up, I jumped in head first and got busy. Hind sight being 20/20, I am not sure that going digital on all my scrapbook entries was such a good idea. Staples Photo Supreme Paper, 8 1/2' x 11', Double Sided Matte, 50/Pack PPD Inkjet Matte Double Sided Heavyweight Photo Quality Paper LTR 8.5 x 11' 53lbs. At the time I thought it would be a good idea to submit a mix of SU project styles. I knew it was a gamble.oh well, who knows if it really made a negative impact or not. I don't do much scrapbooking, but I find it very easy with MDS. The great thing is, that once I finialize my layout, I can easily print several copies for myself and for the grandparents. That is one of the best things about digital projects.

Recipe: Digital Distressed Chocolate Chip DSP, Baja Breeze Grosgrain Ribbon, Square & Circle Punches,Digital Stamp Sets - Extreme Elements, Greatest Moments II, Torn Edges, & Just Perfect Alaphabet, Ariel & Freestyle Fonts), Chocolate Chip Card Stock.